June 15, 2017
Ludovic Gougat, SVP, Experience Strategy, RAPP SF, shares five steps that solution providers should take to improve enterprise sales.
"When they market their solutions to potential clients, IT companies often lose sight of one simple fact: All organizations, no matter the size, are composed of people. Today’s business leaders expect more than a generic message; they expect a personalized relationship with your brand that puts the focus on what they need, when they need it and where they need it.
Thanks to the latest in data and technology, we have the ability to go beyond B2B and approach the realm of ³B2ME;² that is, building a relationship with the individuals behind the brand on their terms, and delivering on their needs and motivations.
When it comes to marketing IT products and services to B2B customers, three specific challenges affect almost every company in the space."
Read the full article here.