June 17, 2015
Abaete De Azevedo, founder of RAPP Brazil and President of RAPP Latin America, was recently elected to Brazil’s ABEMD Hall of Fame, which honors one senior-level executive each year for his or her achievements and long-time contributions to the direct marketing industry.
At ABEMD’s annual awards event, Abaete was recognized for his success in building one of the largest and most respected brand engagement agencies in Brazil – and for his mentoring and teaching of aspiring direct marketing professionals. Among those paying tribute to Abaete in a short video shared at the ceremony were executives of Telefonica Vivo, Google Brazil, TBWA, M&M, Itau Bank, and ESPM University.
Abaete founded RAPP Brazil 18 years ago, which serves a wide range of clients throughout Brazil and Latin America.Today, it employs more than 250 associates and is the fourth-largest advertising agency in the country. Clients include Pepsi, BMW Mini Cooper, Shell, Telefonica Vivo, Itau Bank, Locaweb and Folha de SP.
Co-author of Marketing de Resultados (M Books: 2004) and Customer Obsession: How to Acquire, Retain and Grow Customers in the New Age of Relationship Marketing McGraw-Hill: (2008), Abaete is a graduate of ESPM Marketing University and holds an MBA in Senior Management from Babson College. He regularly teaches in ESPM University’s post-graduate programs. Abaete was also elected to the Brazilian Academy of Marketing (Abramark) Hall of Fame in November 2014.